Abstract submision template
Please use the following form: abstract submision template (26kB, 20.7.2019.)
Title (Replace this with your title) - Times New Roman 14 pt, bold
Author(s) (First name last name1; First name last name2 - Times New Roman 12 pt, normal
Institution1 (Institution, Town, Country) - Times New Roman 9 pt, normal
Institution2 (Institution, Town, Country) - Times New Roman 9 pt, normal
Introduction - Times New Roman 11 pt, bold
Standard standard standard standard standard ………………………………………
(Replace this with your text. 1 – 2 sentences literature review and definition of the problem and hypotheses statements.) - Times New Roman 11 pt, normal
Method - Times New Roman 11 pt, bold
Standard standard standard standard standard standard…………………………………
(Replace this with your text. Clearly describe the method used to conduct the experiment, including the statistical procedures, equipment specifications, etc.) - Times New Roman 11 pt, normal
Results and discussion - Times New Roman 11 pt, bold
Standard standard standard standard …………………………………………………
Replace this with your text. Include statistics, data, and levels of significance.
Replace this with your text. Include the primary findings and their implication for practice, limitations, future research direction. Note:
Place the citations into the main text using APA Style Guide: (last name, year) in descending chronological order. Example: (Jovanovic, 2006; Tomic, 2003). - Times New Roman 11 pt, normal
Conclusion - Times New Roman 11 pt, bold
Standard standard standard standard ………………………………………………
(Replace this with your text.) - Times New Roman 11 pt, normal
Key words (3-5) - Times New Roman 11pt, normal
References - Times New Roman 10 pt, bold
References (Replace this with the maximum 2 References) – to conform:
Surname, first two initials. (Publication year). Title. Subtitle. In editor (Ed.). Book Title (pp). Publication City: Publisher. - Times New Roman 9 pt, normal
Jankovic, J. F. (1971). Sports Facilities. Serbian Journal of Sports Facilties, 22, 1-19.
Tomic, M. (2003). Management in sport. Belgrade: Astimbo.