University of Belgrade – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, December 06-07, 2024.
Friday: 6.12.2024.
- 2pm - Registration in the lobby of the Cultural Center Čukarica;
- 3:30pm - Official opening in the small hall of the Cultural Center Čukarica;
- 3:30-5pm - First and second keynote lectures: small hall of the Cultural Center Čukarica;
- 5-5:15pm - Coffee break and refreshments; gallery of the Cultural Center Čukarica;
- 5:15–6pm - Third keynote lecture; gallery of the Cultural Center Čukarica;
- 6-6:30pm - Social gathering in the gallery of the Cultural Center Čukarica;
*Adress: Turgenjevljeva 5 >>> Location
- Prof. dr med. Sci. Zoran Vesić, associate professor University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences
Topic: Physical activity as a factor of successful ageing - Dr med. sci. Žarko Vučković, general surgeon (VS Clinic – Belgrade, ASPETAR hospital Doha, Qatar)
Topic: Groin pain syndrome in athletes - Andreja Milutinović, PhD, Head of science, (Department of Sport Science AC Milan – Milan, Italy)
Topic: Conditioning, recovery and health care of athletes - imperatives of unified action
Saturday: 7.12.2024. Conference Program (6.12.2024. 130kB)
- 9am - Registration in the lobby of the Cultural Center Čukarica;
- Work in Sessions:
Time |
Main hall |
Gallery 2 |
Small hall |
Main lobby |
10-11:45am |
Prevention and Rehabilitation in Sports |
Sociological Aspects of Physical Activity and Health |
/ |
Expo |
11:45-12am |
/ |
/ |
Coffee break |
12-2pm |
Sports for all |
Psychological Aspects of Physical Activity and Health |
Expo |
2-3:45pm |
Physiology of Physical Activities |
Sports Diagnostics |
/ |
Poster session |
3:45-4:15pm |
/ |
/ |
/ |
Coffee break and snacks |
4:15-6pm |
/ |
Exercise of Children and Adolescents |
Performance Analysis in Sports |
Expo |
6pm |
/ |
/ |
Conference closure |
/ |
- 7pm - Ethno Evening at the restaurant "Kafanica" (the price is not included in the registration fee) >>>
Kafanica Form
Notes: Authors have 8+2 min for presentation. The presentation must be in English. The presentation itself can be in English or in Serbian.
The deadline for submitting full papers is February 10. 2025.
All additional information or any potential changes can be found on the conference website: www.fsfvconference.rs
Iva Bubanja, teaching assistant
Conference Secretary
Asst. Prof. Ivan Ćuk, PhD
President of the Organisational Board
Assoc. Prof. Milinko Dabović, PhD
President of the Scientific Board
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
156 Blagoja Parovića St, 11030 Belgrade, Serbia.
Phone: +38111/3531-064
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.